Our Home and Garden, in our little corner of the world.

An Introduction.

Our Mission is to share with you this beautiful landscape and its living wild animals and plants.

Our Home at the far edge of town.

We live in a small Prairie town at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. This town is built within a canyon that was created by a glacier and a Rocky Mountain Creek, This creek runs out of the Rocky Mountains Alpine regions then descends through the Foothills, then winds its way through Aspen Parklands.

The creek then enters our town with its restricting walls before finally meandering through the Prairies to reach the main river system. From there, its waters will mingle with the Oldman River then on to the long journey to the Arctic Ocean.

We often like to say that there is nothing between our front door and the Rocky Mountains. With an Aspen Forest and a Rocky Mountain creek just across the way. We have settled down in a biologistparadise

Our Biosphere.

We have divided our living space, and our Environment into many categories, For example, our front garden is an open plan, in keeping with the wild habitats across the road. It is also a bird recording station, providing seeds, nuts, nesting boxes, and a water bath.

  • Our Front Garden,
  • The rear garden, a Wildlife oasis,
  • The Aspen Forest,
  • A Rocky Mountain Creek,
  • The Main River system,
  • The Aspen Parklands.
  • The Foothills,
  • The Eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains,
  • Castle Wildlands.
  • Waterton Lakes National Park,
  • Beauvais Lake Provincial Park.

A View from my arm chair.

My Laze-boy armchair faces a picture window (with its back to the television) and overlooks the front garden. Just across the road a canyon’s wall or escarpment is clothed by an Aspen forest right up to the canyon’s rim. Then there is a trail that leads down to our Rocky Mountain Creek, this trail wanders beside the creek for a few miles in both directions and is a favored walk of mine, most days.

You may like to visit our Post “A view from my Arm-chair“, and meet our local Mammals, Birds, and Invertebrates that visit or Garden.

Our Back Garden.

This is an attempt to create an oasis within the town, for wildlife. It is surrounded by a six-foot fence, yet this does not stop the local family of Racoons from entering. The main features are three spruce trees, a pond, a creek with waterfalls, flower beds, and a small lawn.

You may like to visit our post “Naturescape Gardening” (coming soon).

Our Biosphere is not limited to our house and garden or the nearby trails. For the scope of this blog, our living space extends from the main river system in the north, then right up to the high Alpine reaches of the Rocky Mountains in the south. It is here in a deep canyon that our creek is born.

You may like to visit our post “A Celebration of a Rocky Mountain Creek”.

The Quest.

 BiblicalGarden of Eden Painting by Wenzel Peter.

There is a continuous thread running through this blog, that of a quest, to find a “Garden of Eden”. As a young child attending Sunday school, I was given a picture of the Garden of Eden to colour in. So intrigued with this magical garden I asked where is it? Only to be told that God has banished us from it.

My mother seeing how upset I was suggested that the Garden could be found if one was to search for it, it is out there somewhere she said. Ever since I have been searching for an area of the unspoilt wilderness a place of beauty and tranquillity, this I found in an unlikely place, under the sea.

Kathleen and I spend many happy hours hiking the backcountry, and many days camping within our little corner of the world. Thereby our visitors would be Hikers, Campers, Naturalists, or anyone interested in the life around them as they walk.

We introduce a new way of looking, stop, observe, look closely, what plants and creatures are at your feet? By stopping and taking the time to observe, you may begin to ask questions, what is that plant, what bee is pollinating its flowers? We hope that by visiting our blog you will too develop an enquiring mind.

We would like you to join us as we make friends with the local wildlife, and observe the wonderful diversity of our biosphere.

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