
I find that the concept of meditation somewhat confusing, as there are so many different forms. To my mind meditation is simply a personal thought process.

It developed in me from an inquiring mind and the joy of walking. To put it in a nutshell, some good advice was giving from a writing tutor who suggested that an author should immerse oneself in the subject of choice.

 You may have thought that meditation had to be done in a silent room while sitting in a lotus pose, very alien to my way of approaching the subject. Meditation can be done just about anywhere, provided you are able to be present and aware of your surroundings. Consider walking: walking meditation. Meditating while out for a walk, away from the rat race can be a great way to take care of both my mind and body. There is so much to see and hear which I feel most people miss.

A passion that developed within me at an early age was to understand the natural world that surrounded me, were did it all come from, what is my place in the scheme of things. Preparing material for a book about the Rocky Mountains Creeks I found great joy and enlightenment by simply siting quietly in a camp chair and watching, listing and taken in the wonderful smells of a wild mountain creek.

I am an addicted Biosphere watcher spending many happy hours meditating about what I see, and asking myself questions about its form and function, where it came from, how does it survive, and rescearching the internet for more details..

Yet some questions cannot be investigated by observations alone. I need to use my imagination in the form of thought experiments. Einstein was a master at this, and Darwin in 1837, shortly following his famous voyage onboard the HMS Beagle (1831-1836), Charles Darwin made a famous sketch on page 36 of his “B” notebook with an equally famous inscription. That sketch is known as the first rendering of a “tree of life” and the inscription read: “I think.”

I was informed by one of my instructors that as the author of my blog I can write and publish whatever I chose to Pass on to my readers. Obviously within reason.

Often my meditations range over many subjects, some I would be hesitant to publish elsewhere.

For Example, How Big is Big.

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