Category: Spiders

A series of Posts introducing the reader to the secrete world of spiders. Covering the various topics; ‘next of kin’, sex life of a spider, courtship, sexual selection, the egg sac, and development.

Spiders. – Part 6. The Egg Sac.

Recall, from Part 3., the male gametes are stored within the spermathecae of the females’ abdomen. The female’s unfertilized eggs start their journey through life by being mixed with the male gametes. Then, one...

SPIDERS, Part 5. Sexual Selection in Spiders.

Recall, from Part 3. That the male will take a considerable risk when going a courting. Darwin, in his book Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races...

Spiders. Part 4. Spider courtship.

RECALL, from Part 2. That a male spider risks his life going a-courting. A large, hungry female, just waiting for a nice meal. A male Spider’s approach and courtship of a larger female can...