About Us Explore the living world around us.

Kathleen Hancock

Kathleen was born in Northern Ireland and moved to England to get away from the troubles there. We met in the wilds of the Dengie Marshes, Essex. UK. Married each other in 1983. We both have been travelers, explorers, and campers from an early age, and have a great love (biophilia) of “Our Biosphere” our planet Earth.

Emigrated to Canada.

My wife Kathleen and I emigrated from England to Western Canada as our retirement ages approached. Kathleen had a desire to come to Canada from the tender age of eight years old. One of her aunts emigrated here and sent her letters praising the country. It was not until her mother’s passing that Kathleen felt free to finally go. Of course, we emigrated together.

Our Canadian Home.

We settled down in a small Prairie town at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, a biologist’s paradise. Our house is at the extreme western edge of town, with nothing between our front door and the Rocky Mountains, and with a Rocky Mountain Creek just across the road, what more do we need. This town, along with our dwelling is set within a canyon carved out by a Rocky Mountain Creek, which is fed by the meltwaters from the Rocky Mountains.

ohn H. Author of this Blog, amateur Marine biologist, Arachnologist, and field biologist. Photo by Edwin Knox.


My first love was Marine biology. Later I became a generalist, a field biologist majoring as an Arachnologist, the study of spiders and their kin. Having to earn a living while getting an education, nine years were spent studying with the UK’s Open University, and London University, both as to distance learning.

About this blog.

To start this blog, I must first point out I wrote this blog for myself. At the age of 86 years young, I had become less active and missed my long hikes into the ‘wilderness’. Having just finished 12 years research project which resulted in the book “Spiders of Western Canada”. Published by Lone Pine. I was looking for projects to undertake for the next few years. This is one.


I hasten to add that I am not an expert as many friends wish to call me but a just mature student; I love to learn new things and marvel at the sheer diversity of the living world, and this is a bias that will show in the following Posts. My studies over the past 86 years have come from a multitude of sources, too numerous to mention. From observations as a young lad to college, distance learning, and the UK Open University. Any errors in this work are my own for I am a mature student with a learning curve to deal with.

The Quest.

In my case, it was the lure of finding some kind of a ‘Garden of Eden’ or at least an untouched section of wilderness and the freedom to enjoy our ‘natural planet’. To put it in a different perspective, consider my study area in England of 67 acres, compared to the permits I received to study in Canada of some 28,000 square miles, in my endeavor to study the many habitats of spiders.

Kathleen and I have a difference of opinions. Kathleen is a photographer who sees beauty in a tree for its own sake. I, as a biologist, see wonder and enlightenment in inquiring knowledge of its form and function.

Question. We are asking you what is beauty?  Is beauty of the living world in the eye of the beholder, or in its form and function, or both?

So now, we invite you to come with us and explore “Our Biosphere” it will be a new insight of seeing, of beauty, and the understanding of the ‘form and function’ of the living world.

A good start would be to visit our introduction to Our Home and Garden.


It is important for me to make a confession. This blog and all its posts are not written by an expert, but by two Mature Students with inquiring minds.

Our motivation is to convey to you our wonder and love (our biophilia) of the living world. Through our observation, we hope to instill in you a passion to walk on the Wildside, sit for a while enjoying the beauty, wonder of your local Biosphere, and ask questions. hopefully, you will follow up with your own inquiries and studies.

Our Books and Certifications.

By John and Kathleen Hancock.


·         Open University = General Science, 1968-1984

·         London University Extra-Mural. 1976-1978.

University of London. Department of Extra-Mural Studies – LC Linked Data Service: Authorities and Vocabularies | Library of Congress (loc.gov)

Achievements and Adventures.

Marine Biologist, to the “British Joint Services Chagos Research Expedition, 1977-1978”.

Chagos Archipelago – Wikipedia

 Leader to the Red Sea Expedition 1980.


·         “The Laminaria Forest”, Hancock, J. 1977. awarded the “Duke of Edinburgh’s Prize”, of the British Sub-Aqua club. London University Extra-Mural.

Duke of Edinburgh prize – historic – British Sub-Aqua Club (bsac.com)

·  “Tarantulas”. Hancock, K. & J. 1992. ISBN 1 872688 06 3. R & A Publishing.

A Comprehensive Guide on “How to Culture Tarantulas and other Spiders in Captive”.

Signed copy @ C$30.00 including postage.

·         “The Invertebrates”, Hancock, K. & J. 1995. ISBN 0 9533838-4-9. Desk-top Publication.

Signed copy @

·         “Scorpions” Hancock, K. & J. 1996. ISBN 0 9515324-7 2. Desk-top Publication.

Signed copy @

·         “Simply Scorpions” Hancock, K. & J. 1996. ISBN 0 9515334-3-x Desk-top Publication.

Signed copy @

·         “Simply Tarantulas” Hancock, K. & J. 1998. ISBN 0 9515324-8-0 Desk-top Publication.

Singed Copy @

·         “Sex Determination of Immature Theraponid Spiders from their Cast Skins”. Hancock, J. 1998 0 9533838-1-4 ISBN Course in four units. Desk-top Publication. Awarded the Fitzgerald Publishing award for Liberative Research. 1999.

An Internet Course on “How to Sex immature Tarantulas from their Cast Skins”. A must for the captive breeding of Tarantulas.

Course package @ C$100.00 including postage.

·         “Spiders of Western Canada” Hancock, J. & K. 2015. Lone Pine. ISBN 978-1-55105-916-7.

An informative guide to families of spiders to be found in Western Canada.

Singed Copy @C$30.00 including postage.

·         “Paradise Blue” Hancock, J. & K. 2018. A biologist journey through life. (Not yet Published).

·         “A Celebration of a Rocky Mountain Creek”. Hancock, J. & K. 2021. (Looking for Publication).

·         “Still Waters of the Rocky Mountains” Hancock, J. & K. 2022. (In draft form).

Happy reading, JohnH.