Our Biosphere. Our little corner of the world.

The Rocky Mountains of North America.

Our Mission is to share with you “Our Biosphere”, its beauty, along with the animals and plants that live here. Our Domain name and site address are “Our Biophilia” meaning ‘Our love of wildlife in all its forms.

We have a genetically determined love for the natural world, hopefully, felt universally by mankind. E. Willson

The question is, do you share a similar love, if so, you have come to the right place.

Visit The Introduction to the Rocky Mountains.

Welcome to our little corner of the world.

We wish to inspire you to immerse yourself and your family in the beauty and sheer wonder of the Rocky Mountains.

We also wish to inspire you in your observations of wildlife as you hike the Rocky Mountains, and follow-up with your own research, using the internet, books and apps to Id what you have seen.

We will introduce you to the wildlife of these mountains, the magic of the mountain creeks, and the alpine meadows of delicate flowers, we hope to open your minds to life both seen and unseen.

Come visit our biosphere, you may wish to camp, picnic, or plan a family walk. Whether you will be hiking or a photographer, we hope to install you with an inquiring mind.

Our Rocky Mountain Creek

We live in a most beautiful area with a Rocky Mountain creek just across the road. Most days I hike the creek’s trails, this section is a collection of observations that have been recorded for you as you may also enjoy the beauty and wonder.

Visit The Celebration of a Rocky Mountain Creek.

Our Home and Gardens.

Our Home and Garden. You may like to visit our home and gardens, which is a good place to start our exploration of the wildlife that comes to visit us. It is also our attempt to create Naturescape gardens that may interest you, a mini oasis for wildlife.

Visit Our Home and Garden,

The Quest.

Visit The QuestThe Quest. “The Garden of Eden”.

Our mission is also to share with you our quest for the “Garden of Eden”. First, a search was conducted looking at marine life and the oceans for such an unspoiled environment. Later we explored and hiked among the magnificent Rocky Mountains of North America. A place of tranquility, beauty, and peace.

Visit The Quest.

How about a challenge? dare you to enter the:

The Secrete World of the spiders.

Here you will meet many strange and wonderful spiders. A spider named ‘Jaws’, a spider that dives underwater to catch fish, and another species named ‘Jeues’ can walk on water.

A species named Scytods hunts with two Machine guns, while a Black Widow goes fishing for its next meal. Learn more about the beautiful Ord Web weavers, and a species that uses a net to catch its prey.

Visit Spiders


Biophilia, which translates to “love of life,” is the idea that this fascination and communion with nature stem from an innate, biologically driven need to interact with other forms of life such as animals and plants. E. Willison.

Visit Biophilia for more insights into the love of the living World.

Marine Biosphere.

My first Love of biology centered around the oceans and their life forms, and it was here that I found A Garden of Eden or at least “Half of Paradice”.

Visit the wonderful world of The Marine Biosphere.


I am an addicted Biosphere watcher spending many happy hours meditating about what I see, and asking myself questions about its form and function, where it came from, how it survives, and so on.

I was informed by one of my instructors that as the author of my blog, I can write and publish whatever I chose to Pass on to my readers. Obviously within reason. For this reason, I hesiate to suggest you read Meditations.

Happy reading of the most beautiful planet for Light-years around.

You may want to visit My Art.